Saturday, November 6, 2010

Ready or Not!

OK, Not!  That was my preparedness for the Detroit 1/2 Marathon I did in e middle of October.  My longest run leading up to the race was a 9.3 miles.......back in July.  Yikes!  But I did the race last month with the sole goal of finishing uninjured. 

You see, my 17 year old nephew has been running for a while now.  His first 1/2 was back in April and he finished in just over 2 hours.  We were supposed to run the full marathon last month but since I had been really slacking in my training with my new job responsibilities, I switched to the 1/2.  When I talked to him, he had been doing some longer runs, but his weekly mileage was still under 30 miles.  Not really what you need for a full marathon.  He also registered for the 1/2. 

We stayed together for most of the race.  The poor boy didn't really get it when I said I was slow and was planning to run/walk the entire distance.  I could see he was itching to run during every walk break and urged him to go ahead several times.  He did stay with me for the first 9 miles.  The last time I urged him to run ahead, he asked if I was serious.  My answer was "Go!  Have fun!"  with a huge smile on my face and he charged ahead.  I was so happy to have his company thus far, and probably woundn't have faired as well if I had been going it alone. 

As it turned out, I ended  up walking most of the last 5K.  I remained injury free and was able to make the 8+ hour drive home the next day.  So this year I spent my birthday weekend enjoying the company of my sister and her family and run/walking a race I was completely unprepared for.   All in all, a great way to spend the weekend!

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