Thursday, November 4, 2010

The Great Reveal

"Gulp"  Here goes!  The big project that I've been researching, scheming, planning, sweating, praying, and discussing with family and close friends is........I'm going back to school.  Like, university.  As in, PhD in Education....  Whew!  That was hard.  Ok, ok, you read that right.  A PhD in Education.  Yes, yes.  A PhD in Education.  There, was that bold enough?

I understand that the best way to set any big goal and ensure that you will remain constant in your efforts to attain it, is to share it publicly.  It is harder to back down from a goal when you share it broadly since others may ask you about it in the future.  I am trying going to earn my PhD in Education so I can research and write about best practices in curriculum, instruction, and assessment.  I really don't want to go around explaining to everyone in a few years how or why that didn't work out!

As I said, I discussed it and prayed about it.  I believe that God led me to my initial inquiries when I prayed for a change since I have been very stressed about work for several months now.  When I first had the "ah ha!" moments and the idea started to take hold, it was really scary.  I mean, really.  Me?  A PhD?  But then, the more I prayed and discussed it with my husband and children, the more it seemed possible.

And then, things started happening that paved the way.  God made them possible.  My husband was in between assignments when I started exploring this option.  Then a week later he received active duty orders for a position just over an hour from home - with car-pooling available!  That means a good pay and benefits, too! 

When we looked at the timing in relation to our family we realized two things: the girls have most of their college education paid for by the Post 911 GI Bill that my husband transferred to them last winter and our older son won't go to college for 3 years.  College tuition for the kids won't be an issue for a while.  Add to the mix our younger son who is cared for by a close friend willing to watch him on a flexible schedule.   We have savings to help with expenses and I can work part-time in one of our local school districts. If I don't do this now, there probably won't be an opportunity like it for nearly 10 years.

When I applied, I received the acceptance letter less than a week later.  I prayed, talked with my family again, and gave my notice at work at few days later. I worried about the volunteers I support.  They were very supportive and wished me well when I told them my plans and that I would no longer be their staff representative.  I have one week left and my director and HR will interview candidates starting Monday, so the communities I serve should have support soon.

All of it is coming together.  I have been in a Bible study with two very close friends since before this process began.  So many times during the study, the Word has spoken directly to my situation and confirmed for me that this is the path God intends for me to follow.

So, me?  A PhD candidate?  Really? Is that the stuff I'm made of?  Yes. Yes! The more I continue on this path, in the context of prayer and the Word, the more my fears are calmed, the more confident I become that this is who I am and what I am meant to do.  Dr. Hartlaub will see you in a few years.  :)

1 comment:

Doc said...

Like the new theme.